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“A nurse is an angel of mercy”…says some of my friends. In my country , being a nurse is nothing less than being an angel. You are invisible in the eyes of the management , you work almost free in terms of money , you have no right to question the almighty doctor , you have no  human needs like food and rest.
Our angels are trained to dispense their divine responsibilities towards the sick and suffering for 4 years. They are subjected to humiliations , sleepless nights, semi solid and liquid diet and live in refugee camps. They endure all this , and never complain because they are angels.
After 4 years of training and  a loan of 5 lakhs and a mortgaged house, the doors of heaven are opened and scrolls are handed over to them. It’s time for them to spread their wings and fly to heal the wounded world.
After the first flight, most of them fall to the ground of reality. They try to fly with whatever feathers remain in their wings but are weighed down by the loan , the morgaged house  and the anxious look of their parents trying hard to make both ends meet. Finally  , they give in and vanish off to a far off foreign land. The heavens thunder and banish them for they are the ‘fallen angels’.
The others continue their noble work and remain faithful to the heavens. They donot rest nor sleep for they have to watch over the sick. They donot eat nor use the washroom because the  archangel is expected anytime . The archangel is responsible to make reports of each angel and present it to the board of Gods. At the end of each year , all the angels will be subjected to judgement based on this report.
On the judgement day , each angel appears before the board. The book of performance appraisal is opened and each angel is given a verdict of their future. Some may get promoted to be assistants of archangeals while others may be thrown in the fire of hell.
The angels give up their life for this divine and noble calling and one day  fade into oblivion. They go from the angelic world to their human selves  with debts and repressed desires.
Dear nurses,
You are professional nurses not angels.You are mortals with imperfections and human frailities.  Stand for what you believe and speak up for your rights. It definitely takes a lot of courage and inner strength to be a nurse but you deserve a better pay and better working conditions.  When a legion of upright and assertive professionals take a step to make a change , even the heavens will succumb.