

The world is at a standstill on a path that diverges to multiple roads and so am I. Some untrodden roads while some patchy rough path that few have travelled. The gratitude of having a home and food on my table but the sudden chaos of an unexpected halt of everyday routine feels like a fog. The sadness that lingers on reading about deaths around the world and the small moments of joy of having dear ones around are conflicting. The canvas of life is full of colours that disagree with each other.The disarray of colours spill over the poise of the soul.

As I reach out to tear down the canvas that once I started painting with passion but now I abhor, a new pattern is revealed. It was the space between my canvas and myself that was preventing me from seeing the beauty of what I had painted. I start painting one stroke at a time waiting patiently for the art to reveal itself to me in its pandemoniac beauty.

Featured Image : Image by Marek Studzinski from Pixabay